Our Power Analysis.

Introducing Ripple Resources!

Welcome to our take on a newsletter. Not only do we want to keep you in the loop with any changes and updates at Ripple, we also want to offer you resources to build on your anti-oppressive knowledge. We’ll offer you some initial content and then more info to dig deeper if you would like, ideas on how to apply this information within your sphere of influence, and ways you can continue to grow internally and into your authentic identity.

Beginning with a common language and understanding is crucial to anti-oppressive and liberation work. Therefore, the following is a synopsis of our analysis of power and racism:


Racism = race prejudice + social and institutional power
Racism = a system of advantage based on race
Racism = a system of oppression based on race
Racism = a white supremacy system

Racism is different from racial prejudice, hatred, or discrimination. Racism involves one group having the power to carry out systematic discrimination through the institutional policies and practices of the society and by shaping the cultural beliefs and values that support those racist policies and practices (From Dismantling Racism Works workbook).

The Doctrine of Discovery

Racism was present in the United States before racial categories were defined and before the US was even a country. In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued the Papal Bull “Inter Caetera,” also known as The Doctrine of Discovery. This doctrine declared, any land not inhabited by Christians was available to be "discovered," claimed, and exploited by Christian rulers.Spain and other colonizing European nations used this doctrine to justify their claim to land in what would become the Americas and steal land and resources from the Indigenous Peoples that barbarous nations be overthrown and brought to the faith itself.”

Colonizers continued to use this doctrine to justify the kidnapping, murdering, and enslaving of people from African nations for a steady source of labor to build their new world. Scientific racism, the Bible, and the narrative of racial difference (coined by Bryan Stevenson), or the belief that Black people and other people of color are inferior to White people, further justified the racial hierarchy that formed at the roots of our nation (read more of this history here). These attitudes, values and beliefs were codified into US laws and policies, leading to the creation, maintenance and consolidation of a dominant culture of white supremacy.

Racisms Lasting Effects

Many of the laws and policies previously upholding the racial hierarchy in the United States have been removed or abolished. In the 1960s, “separate but equal” was found unconstitutional. Yet, our neighborhoods, churches, and communities remain more segregated than ever. The racial wealth gap continues to grow. Black people continue to be killed by police exponentially more than White people. Racial hate speech and actions seem to be more prevalent today than 20 years ago, including “You will not replace us!” and “Go back to where you came from!” Because the United States has never taken collective accountability for our past actions against BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) Communities nor confronted our attitudes, values, and beliefs around race and differences, the narrative of racial difference remains. Racism continues to perpetuate our culture through the ideology of white supremacy and racism has been internalized within us all.

Internalization plays out differently for BIPOC and white people.

For BIPOC, it looks like Internalized Racial Oppression (IRO): A complex multi-generational socialization process, which teaches people of color to believe, accept and live out negative societal definitions of self and to fit into and live out inferior societal roles.

For white people, it looks like Internalized Racial Superiority (IRS): A complex multi-generational socialization process, which teaches white people to believe, accept and live out superior societal definitions of self and to fit into and live out superior societal roles. (unpack further here.)

Where to go from Here

Our workshops and coaching further unpack our understanding of the development of racism and other forms of oppression in the United States and then beyond through colonization and globalization. Then, the crux of our work is dismantling oppressive systems, unlearning our racist socialization and internalization, and collectively developing tools and strategies to work towards liberation for all of us!

Visit our About Us page to learn more, or email us at rippleconsultingllc@gmail.com to contact us about bringing our analysis and work to your organization.


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