Welcome to Ripple Consulting!

Mission statement: To empower organizations to understand and dismantle systemic racism and other oppressive ideologies and structures.

DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) initiatives and discussions can be difficult to address in the workplace. We have found that this leads to only surface level changes. Organizations fail to do the necessary work that leads to more equitable workplaces, which are accountable to marginalized communities. 

We recognize that systemic racism exists in the United States, which perpetuates inequities for communities of color in housing, education, criminal justice, health etc. We have been educated to understand racism on an individual basis which has not prepared us to address policy, practices and cultural racism within our organizations. Various other forms of oppression also play out within our systems and institutions. The more marginalized identities a person or community possess, the more inequities are compounded and intersect to disenfranchise them.

Systems, institutions, and individuals either knowingly contribute to inequities or are complicit in perpetuating them. We understand that throughout this country’s history and to this day the power structure has declared, whether overtly or covertly, that white cisgender, heteronormative patriarchy is the default.

Ripple Consulting LLC exists to provide organizations with the tools to address systemic racism and other forms of oppression. We help apply this knowledge to their work culture, policies, practices and interpersonal relationships. Since no two organizations are the same, our services are uniquely tailored to each organization's needs. We strive to create cultures of transformational justice within institutions and beyond. We believe we must fight against racism and inequities by being actively anti-racist and anti-oppressive. Our mission is to help you do the same.

At Ripple Consulting, our aim is: 

To empower organizations and individuals to understand systemic racism in practice.

To guide organizations on ways to center marginalized voices and be accountable to these communities.

To embrace discomfort and create space for the complexity of this work. This work is not divisive; the division already exists in society. We seek to uncover and name it.

To equip organizations and individuals with anti-oppressive lenses to dismantle all forms of oppression within their specific fields of practice.

Here’s what we can do for you to get started or continue your anti-oppressive journey:


  • Assist with processing and having discussions around systemic oppression. 

  • Assess current practices and policies within your organization and how they contribute to inequity. 

  • Assist in developing a strategic plan to address different forms of oppression within your organization. 


  • Customized trainings for organizations based on their current needs

  • Trainings are available for organizations we are currently consulting with as well as organizations not utilizing consulting services


  • Stay up to date with our anti-oppressive work and current events by viewing our blog here.

To bring awareness to the power arrangements continually at play in our ideologies, systems, and institutions.

Book a Consultation

We’ll prepare custom recommendations for ongoing work with your organization and walk you through the next steps.